
admin / 2014.6.6 / 16:41 pm

Hamburg(HAM海运货代 0+

高品质的服务是经营宗旨。扎实的专业知识,丰富的运输经验,广泛的联系以及全球化的网络,是我们能为客户提高满意的服务。您的满意是我们的保证!Eurasia International Group was founded in 1982 by Simon Chuang in Taipei,Taiwan.After establishing its first office in China in 1992, Eurasia International Group has since expanded to include 16 companies,hold offices in the United States and Hong Kong,and employ over 1,200 employees. majoring in OCEAN & AIR FREIGHT FORWARDING, NVOCC, Container consolidation and de - consolidation, warehousing, container depot, container road transportation, Customs clearance, insurance agent and logistics etc. With business mission of high quality service, solid professional experience in the industry, and comprehensive global network service coverage, Eurasia Group provides satisfactory quality service to our customers.Your satisfaction is our promise! 本公司自创立以来,一直用心为客户提供多元化的货运服务,尤以精益求精及亲切殷勤的个人化服务,满足不同客户需要。凭着这股专业精神,成功赢得客户及同业的无比信任,成为区内首屈一指的专业货运公司,集团业务亦因此不断壮大。

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