
admin / 2013.7.25 / 15:31 pm

深圳、广州、佛山国际货运 0+

Air Freight
·Import & export airfreight from/to china to world destinations
Customs clearance, insurance
Cargo packing, warehousing and distribution
Door to door service
Cargoes tracking system
"Sea-air" combined transportation Sea Freight is a fundamental business of our company. In the past fourteen-year development of this business, we have cultivated a great number of personnel who are highly trained, professional and knowledgeable of the major ports of the world and the logistics procedure. Furthermore, we have developed a good co-operative partnership with a number of the world-renowned shipping companies

Our services include:
Sea freight (LCL & FCL) Service
Trucking, Warehousing & Distribution
Full Customs clearance, Marine Insurance
Total cargo care -door to door, depot to depot
·Worldwide Agency network
Trade Service
Competitive freight rate offered and shipping space guaranteed
Efficient Communication and personalized services
. 深圳、广州、佛山经满洲里--后贝加尔斯克口岸(约8天到口岸)
  2. 深圳、广州、佛山经阿拉山口--德鲁日巴(多斯特克)口岸(约10天到口岸)
至哈萨克斯坦、乌兹别克斯坦、土库曼斯坦、吉尔吉斯坦、塔吉克斯坦中亚五国、阿富汗的集装箱和整车进出口国际铁路联运业务;及其相反方向;对于某些出口货物,在德鲁日巴站的换装破损一直是令客户头疼的问题. 我司可以为客户提供完善的解决方案.  
3. 深圳、广州、佛山经二连--扎门乌德口岸(约8天到口岸)与蒙古的集装箱和整车进出口国际铁路联运业务;
4. 深圳、广州、佛山经丹东--新义洲口岸(约8天到口岸)与朝鲜的集装箱和整车进出口国际铁路联运业务;
5. 深圳、广州、佛山经绥芬河--格罗捷科沃口岸与俄罗斯远东地区的集装箱和整车进出口国际铁路联运业务;
6. 深圳、广州、佛山经凭祥--同登口岸与越南的的集装箱和整车进出口国际铁路联运业务。

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