
admin / 2016.3.14 / 10:30 pm

Sumner County Stanton County 0+

Sherman County 181 Goodland 1873 From unorganized area William Tecumseh Sherman, prominent Civil War general SH 6,113 1,056sqmi
Smith County 183 Smith Center 1867 From unorganized area J. Nelson Smith, Union major and Civil War hero SM 3,765 896sqmi
Stafford County 185 Saint John 1867 From unorganized area Lewis Stafford, Union captain and Civil War hero SF 4,358 792sqmi
Stanton County 187 Johnson City 1887 Formed from Hamilton County Edwin McMasters Stanton,U.S. Secretary of Warduring the Civil War ST 2,175 680sqmi
Stevens County 189 Hugoton 1886 Formed from Seward County Thaddeus Stevens, U.S. Representative fromPennsylvaniawho was a leader ofReconstructionpolitics SV 5,756 728sqmi
Sumner County 191 Wellington 1867 Formed from Butler County Charles Sumner, U.S. Senator fromMassachusettswho was a leader ofReconstructionpolitics SU 23,674 1,182sqmi
Thomas County 193 Colby 1873 From unorganized area George Henry Thomas, prominent Union Civil War general TH 7,941 1,075sqmi
Trego County 195 WaKeeney 1867 From unorganized area Edgar P. Trego, Union captain and Civil War hero TR 2,986 888sqmi
Wabaunsee County 197 Alma 1855 One of the original 36 counties (Formerly Richardson County) Chief Wabaunsee,Potawatomileader WB 7,039 798sqmi
Wallace County 199 Sharon Springs 1868 From unorganized area W.H.L. Wallace, prominent Union Civil War general WA 1,517 914sqmi
Washington County 201 Washington 1857 From unorganized area George Washington, first U.S. President and founding father WS 5,758 898sqmi
Wichita County 203 Leoti 1873 From unorganized area Wichita Native Americans, who lived in the area WH 2,256 719sqmi
Wilson County 205 Fredonia 1855 One of the original 36 counties Hiero T. Wilson, Union colonel and Civil War hero WL 9,105· 1.1.7 各类麻醉药物。如鸦片(包括罂粟壳、花、苞、叶)、吗啡、可卡因、海洛因、大麻、冰毒、麻黄素及其它制品等。

· 1.1.8 各类生化制品和传染性物品。如炭疽、危险性病菌、医药用废弃物等。

· 1.1.9 各种危害国家安全和社会政治稳定以及淫秽的出版物、宣传品、印刷品等。

· 1.1.10 各种妨害公共卫生的物品。如尸骨、动物器官、肢体、未经硝制的兽皮、未经药制的兽骨等。

· 1.1.11 国家法律、法规、行政规章明令禁止流通、寄递或进出境的物品,如国家秘密文件和资料、国家货币及伪造的货币和有价证券、仿真武器、管制刀具、珍贵文物、濒危野生动物及其制品等。

· 1.1.12 包装不妥,可能危害人身安全、污染或者损毁其他寄递件、设备的物品等。

· 1.1.13 各寄达国(地区)禁止寄递进口的物品等。

· 1.1.14 其他禁止寄递的物品。

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