
admin / 2013.10.18 / 15:24 pm

STARA ZAGORA transport by sea, air and by sea-air 0+

多年的货运经验及先进的货运处理系统,让我们能更快捷、有效的处理客户的信息,为客户提供全方位的物流平台、确实有效的物流解决方案,有效地保障了客户从事国际间贸易的竞争地位,为您的国际贸易保驾护航!公司遵循"安全、快捷、准确、节省、方便"的十字方针,发扬"求实、开拓、团结、拼搏"的企业精神,信奉"服务第一、客户至上"的经营宗旨,竞争中求发展。我司完善的门到门物流服务体系和丰富的物流经验,使您的货物出口到世界各地畅通无阻,世界各地的货物进口到您指定地更加安全方便快捷。Acting for FCL and LCL booking space including transport by sea, air and by sea-air.
Acting for insurance (including at home and port), reasonable rate.
Acting for applying to customs (acting for export declaration and customs clearance of common cargo, dangerous cargo, personal effects and bonded cargo)
We can provide service on chartering and booking space for scatter and general cargo and bulk cargo, as well as provide the operation in middle link.
We can provide the inspection of storage, taking photo and other value-added services for any goods in port and warehouse.
Acting for steaming cargo, disassembling and assembling container and refitting suitcase.
We can plan logistics and provide suggestion and many shipping schemes for you.

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